Forza Horizon 5: Alle Details zum Series 18-Update Horizon Wilds Takeover

Playground Games hat das "Horizon Wilds Takeover"-Update für Forza Horizon 5 veröffentlicht. In Ergänzung zur ausführlichen Vorschau auf das Series 18-Update mit Tribut an Ken Block, gibt es an dieser Stelle in Ergänzung das vollständige Änderungsprotokoll zu der am Dienstag, 28. Februar 2023 bereitgestellten Aktualisierung.

Damit können alle offiziell angegebenen Neuerungen, Fehlerkorrekturen und Anpassungen nachvollzogen werden. Zusätzlich gibt es noch ein Video das vom Entwicklerstudio initiiert wurde, indem man die Forza-Community gebeten hat ihre besten Inhalte zu teilen, um ein außergewöhnliches Mitglied der Motorsport-Community die Ehre zu erweisen.

Series 18 - "Horizon Wilds Takeover" February 28th, 2023:
Version Number:
-Xbox One: 2.563.816 .0
-Xbox Series: 3.563.816 .0
-PC: 3.563.816 .0
-Steam: 1.563.816 .0

New Features
-"Nr43" Badge
-Hoonigan and Horizon Wilds Takeover Collector Accolades
-Forza LINK chat phrase "GO FAST RISK EVERY THANG"
-EventLab props "Lucky Cat" and "Red Dinosaur Piaata"
-Dinosaur Outfit

Series Features
-Return of the Stunt Park Stadium
-Horizon Wilds Festival decorations
-Mural Photo decorations for Series Photo Challenges
-Collectible Piaata Dinosaur

Unlockable Cars
New To Forza
-2021 Polaris RZR Pro
-2021 Sierra 700R
Returning To Forza
-1981 Subaru Brat
-1985 Nissan Safari
-1986 Nr2 Audi S1
-2015 Honda Trophy Truck
-2016 Hoonigan GYMKHANA 9 Ford Focus RS RX

Bug fixes
-Fixed an issue where setting the Hot Wheels Outpost as the player home could prevent the Horizon Mexico Festival Outpost from being set as the player home
-Fixed an issue where PR Stunt records could reset back to 1 star while the personal best score was displaying a higher amount
-Fixed an issue where players could drive out of the environment when customizing a car
-Fixed an issue that unintendedly reset car masteries for a vehicle if listed on the Auction House
-Fixed an issue with "Mission Complete" Accolade which was not getting completed for some players
-Improvements made to Treasure Chests spawn upon solving the riddle
-General performance and stability fixes

-Fixed an issue with the 1965 Ford Hoonicorn where the rear trunk bay was appearing blurred once opened in Forza Vista
-Fixed an issue with the 1995 Toyota MR2 where some shadows would appear near the body of the rear wheel while using BOMEX side skirts
-Fixed an issue with the 2021 MG6 XPower where players couldn't paint mirrors and wings following the first colour change through the customization menu

-Improvements made to player online connectivity to alleviate some reported regional ISP issues, particularly in Argentina and Slovenia

-Fixed an issue where the props budget UI wasn't getting updated correctly when an object was removed

Tags: FH5, Forza Horizon 5, Series 18 Update, Horizon Wilds Takeover, changelog, details, übersicht, änderungen

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