Zusätzliche PS3-Trophies für Burnout Paradise

Die PlayStation 3-Version von Burnout Paradise bekommt mit den 2009 erscheinenden Erweiterungen für das Action-Rennspiel auch weitere PS3-Trophies - Detailübersicht verrät, wie viele und welche Trophäen neu hinzukommen.

Zusätzliche PS3-Trophies für Burnout ParadiseMit Ausnahme des Party-Pakets, welches ab dem 05. Februar im PlayStation Store und Xbox Live-Marktplatz zu finden sein wird, ist zwar noch nicht genau heraus wann die anderen für Burnout Paradise bereits angekündigten Erweiterungen Toy Cars, Legendary Cars und das Boost-Specials-Paket erscheinen, dafür gibt es aber schon einmal eine detaillierte Übersicht der neuen PS3-Trophies.

Spieler der PS3-Version dürfen insgesamt sechzehn weitere Trophäen, davon 8 (B)ronze- und 8 (S)ilber-Trophäen, erobern. Je nach Erweiterung gibt es mal mehr, mal weniger Auszeichnungen. Wofür diese im Einzelnen vergeben werden, erläutert die nachstehende englischsprachige Liste.

Burnout Paradise Party-Paket-Trophäen:
(Trophy, Award, Beschreibung)
B - Every player take a photo for a Party - Awarded when every player in a Party takes a photo of themselves. Requires a USB camera to be connected.
B - Complete your 1st Party Round - Awarded when you complete the 1st Round of your 1st Party.
B - Every player succeeds in a Party Round - Awarded when every player successfully completes a Party Round.
S - Complete a Massive Party - Awarded when 8 players have completed an 8 Round Party.
S - Complete a Big Party - Awarded when 5-7 players have completed a Party.
S - Complete a Small Party - Awarded when 2-4 players have completed a Party.
S - Every player succeeds in every Party Game - Awarded upon completing a Party in which every player successfully completes every Game of every Round.

Burnout Paradise Toy Cars-Trophäen:
(Trophy, Award, Beschreibung)
S - Complete a Bike Timed Challenge using the Toy Bike - Awarded when you complete any Timed Challenge using the Toy Bike.
S - Win a Race in a Toy Car - Awarded for winning any Offline Race driving any of the Toy Cars.
B - Barrel Roll a Toy Car in the Airfield - Awarded for successfully landing a Barrel Roll in the Airfield driving any of the Toy Cars.

Burnout Paradise Legendary Cars-Trophäen:
(Trophy, Award, Beschreibung)
B - Win a Stunt Run in the P12 88 Special - Awarded for winning any Offline Stunt Run driving the P12 88 Special.
B - Light up the Manhattan Spirit during an Online Challenge - Awarded for using the flashing lights of the Manhattan Spirit during an Online Freeburn Challenge or Timed Challenge.
B - Score a Boost Chain of x3 in the GT Nighthawk - Awarded for achieving a Boost Chain of x3 driving the GT Nighthawk.
B - Sound the horn on a Silver Lake Super Jump in the Cavalry Bootlegger - Awarded for sounding the horn and successfully landing a Super Jump in Silver Lake driving the Cavalry Bootlegger.

Burnout Paradise Boost-Specials-Paket-Trophäen:
(Trophy, Award, Beschreibung)
S - Complete a Timed Challenge using all 3 Boost types in the Hawker Mech - Awarded when you complete any Timed Challenge driving the Hawker Mech having used all 3 boost types.
S - Survive a Marked Man in the Extreme Hot Rod - Awarded for winning any Offline Marked Man driving the Extreme Hot Rod.

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