Für Trackmania ist ein neues Update erschienen mit dem alle Spieler an den Weekly Shorts-Herausforderungen kostenlos teilnehmen können. Jeden Sonntag werden um 18 Uhr CET fünf neue Strecken veröffentlicht, auf denen Medaillen gesammelt und die Ranglisten erorbert werden können. Jede Strecke ist dabei in Solo, Online und in den lokalen Multiplayer-Modi spielbar. Am 1. Januar 2025, 17 Uhr CET beginnt dann die neue 25 Strecken umfassende Winterkampagne 2025.
Trackmania - 17.12.2024-Changelog:
-Added Weekly Shorts: solo campaign, live channel and map review.
-Added ingame like/dislike track voting.
-Added Hot Seat button on weekly shorts and official campaigns.
-Added global rank on main menu.
-Added medals and ranks for the different campaigns on the solo menu.
-Added Fall 2024 tracks for the offline mode.
-Added a search box for favorite skins in the Garage.
-Added new Royal and prestige skins.
-Updated several menus, changed the menu music.
-Improved the visibility of Hot Seat gauges.
-Improved mapping of stunt maps by automatically defining parks based on checkpoint colors.
-Improved ranking of tied players at the end of a round: sorted by race time, then previous checkpoint times, then points, then name.
-Fixed mouse focus not working in the Records module.
-Fixed the display of a button at the end of a Stunt track.
-Fixed display of map names with duplicate words.
-Checked the author, not the uploader, when submitting a track to the track review system.
-Fixed RNG booster desynced in solo play.
-Fixed decal readability with some color palettes.
+ 20.12.2024 MK
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