RaceRoom: V0.9.6.05 macht Rennsimulation realistischer - plus DTM 1995-DLC

KW Studios hat wie vor einigen Tagen angekündigt das große Grafikupdate 2024 mit vielen Verbesserungen für das Simracing in RaceRoom veröffentlicht. Hier gibt es die Übersicht zur neuen Version sowie den Trailer zum DTM 1995-DLC und weitere Videos.

RaceRoom: V0.9.6.05 macht Rennsimulation realistischer - plus DTM 1995-DLCRaceRoom: V0.9.6.05 macht Rennsimulation realistischer - plus DTM 1995-DLC  ZoomRaceRoom Racing ExperienceBilder vom 23.08.24In der gamescom-Woche präsentierte auch KW Studios eine ausführliche Vorschau auf die bevorstehenden Verbesserungen für die PC-Rennsimulation RaceRoom. Zeitgleich kündigte man anlässlich des 40-jährigen Jubiläums der DTM inhaltliche Erweiterungen für die Spielinhalte zur Saison 2024 und das DTM 1995-DLC an.

Wie geplant wurde Mitte der Woche das 26 GB große Update auf Version bereitgestellt. Ab sofort zeigt sich RaceRoom nicht nur im Hinblick auf die visuelle Präsentation von Fahrzeugen, Strecken und Umgebungen runderneuert sondern verspricht in Folge der verschiedenen Überarbeitungen auch ein deutlich verbessertes Spielerlebnis.

Für 10,97 EUR ist das DTM 1995 Car Pack neu im RaceRoom-Katalog zu finden. Dazu gesellen sich für je 6,98 EUR die historischen Rennstrecken Hockenheim Classic, Avus und Diepholz aus der DTM-Saison 1995. Demnächst erwartet wird zudem das aktuell noch nicht verfügbare DTM 2024 Car Pack, welches mit dem Audi R8 LMS Evo II, BMW M4 GT3, Ferrari 296 GT3, Lamborghini Huracan GT3 EVO2, McLaren 720S GT3 Evo, Mercedes-AMG GT3 Evo und Porsche 911 GT3 R (992) sieben aktuelle Rennwagen enthält, wobei der Lamborghini und McLaren erstmals in RaceRoom fahrbar sein werden.

Alle Änderungen die mit dem Update auf Version verbunden sind, können unterhalb des Videos zum DTM 1995 Car Pack dem Änderungsprotokoll entnommen werden. Zusätzlich stellen drei zwischen 3 und 8 Minuten lange Videos die zahlreichen Verbesserungen die das große Grafikupdate 2024 bewirkt mit Vorher-Nachher-Vergleichen und verschiedenen Fahrzeugen und Strecken vor.

RaceRoom - V0.9.6.05-Changelog:
-Performance improvements: Reduced CPU overhead, resulting in higher frame rates on any system.
-Cloud Coverage Selector: Added a new feature to the game menus and dedicated server allowing players to select cloud coverage options. You can now choose from clear, few clouds, scattered clouds, and overcast skies, adding a dynamic and realistic touch to the racing experience. In Single Player, the "Random" option, in combination with a non-null time multiplier, will result in dynamic transitions during sessions. Multiplayer server admins have new tools for full control over weather transitions.
-Improved Shadows Rendering: Shadows have been significantly improved, providing more realistic and dynamic lighting effects across various environments. This includes soft, anti-aliased shadows, with higher resolution and much longer draw distances. Shadows are now also rendered in the rearview mirror.
-Auto-Exposure Feature: Introduced an auto-exposure feature that dynamically adjusts the brightness based on the scene's lighting. This feature enhances visibility in different lighting conditions, ensuring a more immersive experience.
-Eliminated Z-Fighting: We have completely eliminated z-fighting artifacts by adapting the engine to use the more modern ‘Reversed-Z’ approach to handle depth in the rendering.
-Improved car paint and car parts materials rendering: Better support has been added for all different types of liveries and paint found on racing cars. Most notably, chrome, matte and metallic parts can now be represented much more accurately.
-Improved precision of car models meshes: Most noticeable on small and rounded details such as buttons in the cockpit.
-Improved Car Cockpit: Improved lighting inside the cockpit, to achieve a much more realistic and immersive view.
-Improved Car Reflections: Car reflections have been enhanced to better mimic real world reflective surfaces, adding depth and realism to vehicle reflective parts, such as windows.
-Improved Specular Reflections: Specular reflections have been fine-tuned to provide more realistic highlights and shine, especially under varying light conditions.
-Improved Track Surface Lighting: The track surface lighting has been improved, giving a more accurate representation of light reflection on road surfaces and built-up rubber.
-Improved Depth of Field Blurring: Depth of field effects have been refined for more realistic background blurring, enhancing the sense of speed and focus.
-Improved Motion Blur: Motion blur has been updated to provide a more natural and immersive sense of movement and a reduction of artefacts.
-Improved Vegetation lighting: Trees are now blending in much better in the lighting environment.
-Track material specular: Until now, only a few objects had specular around our tracks. This is now addressed so all objects reflect strong lights.
-Track Grass normalmaps: Our normal maps are now properly reacting to the orientation of the light
-Improved Rendering of Headlights and Taillights: The rendering of headlights and taillights has been improved, making dawn, morning, noon, afternoon, and sunset racing more visually striking and realistic.
-Performance mode through Vulkan rendering pipeline: The vulkan-based implementation of d3d9 by Philip Rebohle was already a popular rendering mod among the RaceRoom community, providing a significant performance boost. Our engine is now supporting this mod more officially as we addressed some visual glitches that had been impairing the experience. A start-up option in Steam will be available to start RaceRoom using Vulkan.
-Particle lighting: Particles now properly react to different lighting conditions
-Sharpening: This effect increases the visual crispness of the game, making textures and fine details stand out more prominently. However, because the visual experience is based on individual preferences, the default value for this setting is off.
-Improved Graphic Settings Menu: Settings now have useful descriptions as well as indicators for GPU / CPU / Visual impacts. The new "High Impact" tab regroups all settings that the user should look at first when looking to increase performance.
-Graphic Settings Presets: Tweaks to the values used in each preset, added a new "VR Optimised" preset.

-New Car - DTM 1995 - Alfa Romeo 155 TI
-New Car - DTM 1995 - Opel Calibra V6 DTM
-DTM 1995 - Added new liveries to the AMG-Mercedes C-Klasse ( #22-Uwe Alzen and #24-Gerd Ruch)
-New Track - AVUS ( Automobil-Verkehrs- und Übungsstraße ) with 1994 and 1998 layouts
-New Track - Fliegerhorst Diepholz
-New Track - Hockenheimring Classic with GP and Short layouts
-Assen - Tweak to white line material that resulted in excessively harsh cut detections
-Bathurst - Various tweaks and fixes
-Dubai - Moved brake distance markers further away
-Knutstorp - Various tweaks and fixes
-Mantorp - Updated using new drone survey references
-Most - Tweak to white line material that resulted in excessively harsh cut detections
-Nordschleife - Updated to 2024 specs, with accurate bumpiness at the Carousel. Note: Work still being done in the Hatzenbach area, coming in a future update.
-RedBull Ring - Updated to 2024 specs
-Slovakiaring - Updated to 2024 specs
-GTR 1 car class - Physics improvements

Gameplay changes:
-Flash Headlights keybind is now renamed to simply "Headlights" - pressing it will toggle the headlights on or off. Holding it for a second will start a flashing sequence.
-Added Headlights state to shared memory ( -1 = N/A, 0 = off,1 = on, 2 = flashing).
-Some car classes have headlights always on, some have them off. Depending on brightness, A.I.’s will decide to turn their headlights on or off. Usually, race leaders will be among the first ones to have their lights on.
-Added ABS level property to shared memory
-Sounds - Added support to play specific exterior sound samples when a car is viewed from the front, and different sound samples when viewed from the rear.
-Steering wheel animation should now default to "Match Car Setup" except for gamepad controller profiles.
-Dedicated server - Added a setting for "Starting Grid From Leaderboards" - When toggled on, the dedicated server will search leaderboards and time attack competition results of all connected players and build the starting grid from that leaderboard order.

-Fixed a case where "Adaptive AI" levels would never change due to special characters in the Windows username and path to My Documents.
-Improved Multiplayer session flow and proceeding immediately once all the players have finished the race.
-Improved Multiplayer timing screen not always properly updating when laptimes were posted or a new player would join the session.
-Possible fix for some Multiplayer results showing the wrong position, for example when finishing early but with an unserved penalty.
-Fixed a case where a Multiplayer race could end with a non leader crossing the s/f line behind the leader.
-Fixed a case where some race regulations would wrongly apply during a single player championship
-Fixed a case where AI used minutes instead of laps when adjusting the starting fuel, resulting in AI’s pitting one extra time

Tags: Simracing, RaceRoom, update, patch, V0.9.6.05, infos, changelog, DTM 1995 DLC, video, trailer

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