ZoomDas Project CARS-Entwicklerteam hat für alle über den Status Teammitglied+ verfügenden Unterstützer eine neue Testversion der sich für PC und Konsolen in Entwicklung befindenden und 2013 erscheinenden Rennsimulation veröffentlicht.
Build 370 enthält verschiedene Verbesserungen die man mit Unterstützung von Nicolas Hamilton im Bereich der Rennstrecken und Fahrphysik vorgenommen hat. Leser die sich für die Änderungen im Detail interessieren, können sich anhand des nachstehenden Changelogs genau über die Entwicklungsschritte informieren.
Build 370 (13/12/12, Team Member+)
-BInputId: Added ApplyDeviceRemapping()
-cControlSet: Reinstated device remapping process on Read()
-Code for Dave out the correct enum content menu strings
-Moravia: Texture updates
-Moravia: Added new version of main tower, grandstands, restaurant, gass station
-Milan Short: Add latest assets from TomT
-Milan GP: Add latest assets from TomT
-Milan: Add new textures for mz_gstands02_loda
-Heusden: Added assets, buildings, temporary garage interior, fixed kerbs collision
-Heudsen: New texture maps
-Derby: Resized texture
-Derby National: Added factory, and new tribune assets. updated castle position
-Derby GP: New textures for tribune assets
-Derby: Tweaked crowd placement for new tribune
-Emirates Raceway Nat: Further fixes of smaller issues like hovering seams and whitelines
-Emirates Raceway Int: Further fixes of smaller issues like hovering seams and whitelines
-Emirates Raceway GP: Further fixes of smaller issues like hovering seams and whitelines
-Emirates Raceway Club: Further fixes of smaller issues like hovering seams and whitelines
-Emirates Raceway Nat: Further adjustments to cambers in last turn.. added deformable armcos, increased res and position of Skyring
-Emirates Raceway Club: Further adjustments to cambers in last turn.. added deformable armcos, increased res and position of Skyring
-Emirates Raceway Int: Further adjustments to cambers in last turn.. added deformable armcos, increased res and position of Skyring
-Emirates Raceway GP: Further adjustments to cambers in last turn.. added deformable armcos, increased res and position of Skyring
-Azure Circuit: Added latest stuff from MichalB
-Azure Circuit: Re-baked AO texture
-Azure Circuit: New works around the portier roundabout, rue de portier, av.princesse Grace, japanese gradens, moved a bit some of our library assets to fit better around the reworked area, deleted also some obsolete objects
-BMW Z4 GT3: Tire and physics changes. Revised street and small prototype tires, plus default setup changes where required to the affected cars
Build 369 (13/12/12, Senior Manager)
-Fix for crash on saving condition specific files
-Adding in timeline controls for diffuseColourScale
-Adding code to allow hook up for variable diffuseColourScale to the shaders
-Decoupled the display angle of the vehicle’s front wheels from the display angle of the steering wheel
-Moved steering calculations into common input code
-Pit Speech is now reset properly when restarting and quitting
-Manual buttons added to Record holders on Race and Time Attack screens allowing players to navigate between these
-Resume Previous button added to Season screen
-Messages updated on news ticker
-Dialog boxes updated to FE visual style
-Session Overview page added to InGameMenu
-Kerning fixed on InGameMenu fonts
-Additional track logos added to splash page
-Splash page re-organized to make way for the above
-Heudsen: New texture maps
-Derby: New textures
-Corrected naming confusion in Motec Display- to only find objects of type gui text
-BMW Z4 GT3: 2012 24H BMW works livery
Build 368 (12/12/12), Senior Manager)
-Pit Speech is now reset properly when restarting and quitting.
-Derby: Texture size reduction
-Derby: New Textures
-Corrected naming confusion in Motec Display- to only find objects of type gui text.
-BMW Z4 GT3: Set cockpit exposure value to 60%
-BMW M1: Applied miagi’s setup as default
Build 367 (11/12/12, Manager+)
-BInputAxis: corrected inverse sensitivity function
-VehicleInput: Implement low-lock steering compensation
-On-screen steering wheel is now displayed using the new linear steering metric (not affected by sensitivity)
-Dev Menu: Added ‘Effects Strength’ to ‘Input/Force Settings’ menu, and ‘Low-Lock Steering Sens’ to ‘Deadzone/Sensitivity’ menu
-Set the default race time to 16:00
-Removed previous workaround for always sending full set of attributes
-Added password protection to Aries MP Browse and Create screens
-Milan: Add new textures for mz_stands09
-Milan Short/GP: Add latest assets from TomT. Fix bad lod popping for advert costructions. Remove not exist advert boards by RL. Add one missing bridge. Fix shader setting for oval
-Emirates Raceway GP/Int/Club/Nat: Adjusted/lowered fixed camber on the most extreme curves
-Heudsen: New texture maps
-Added 3 cockpit display readouts. LapsTotal, FuelLastLap, FuelAverageLap
-Motec LCD colour & light switching using headlight toggle. Including display cycle using new input
-Palmer JPLM: added lighting and pages to cockpit display
-BMW Z4 GT3: tweaked eyepoint offset
-BMW Z4 GT3: Collision shape adjustment to reduce invisible wall issue on some curbs
-BMW Z4 GT3: Updated headlight flares to latest specs, raindrop effect for paint, prepared cockpit display for light switch, full QA check
-New CPIT display for both Racer cars
Build 366 (10/12/12, Senior Manager)
-Wisconsin Raceway: Modelled in and optimised all kerbs to help resolve collision issues. Also tidied up off-track surface edges
-Heudsen: New texture maps
-Racer V8-RS: Updated headlight flares to latest specs, raindrop effect for paint, prepared cockpit display for light switch
-Racer L4-RS: Updated headlight flares to latest specs, raindrop effect for paint, prepared cockpit display for light switch
-Fixed Motec HUD display font
-Added sprite sets for CPIT display pages
-Vehicle CPIT displays: Updated Motec font with more characters
10 17.12.2012 MK
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