ZoomDas Rainbow Studios-Team wird nicht müde und liefert in dieser Woche ein frische Update zu MX vs ATV Legends. Mit Version 3.05 bekommt das Spiel den FMX-Modus in dem Freestyle-Action unter Zeitdruck angesagt ist. Außerdem wurde der Onlinemodus um zwei neue Features für Squad Leader erweitert.
Bei den Bikes und Piloten sind neue Individualisierungsoptionen wählbar. Außerdem dürfen sich Spieler über eine Überarbeitung des 2024 Fox Raceway freuen, der nun mehr dem diesjährigen Rennen entsprechen soll und Besitzer des Kurses Slayground und Compund Pack können nun Slayground MFX beziehungsweise Goat Farm FMX nutzen.
Das Änderungsprotokoll führt außerdem verschiedene Fehlerkorrekturen und Verbesserungen auf die in den Bereichen UI, Gameplay, DLC, Customization, Online und Animation vorgenommen wurden. Zudem gibt es den Hinweis dass bei mehr als 60 FPS Fehler in der Grafikdarstellung und im Gameplay auftreten können, womit bei mehr als 120 FPS in jedem Fall zu rechnen ist.
MX vs ATV Legends - Changelog V3.05:
Additions and Updates
-By popular demand Freestyle has returned for MX vs. ATV Legends! Players will have three minutes to rack up points performing stunt combos; the player with the most points wins! Experience the thrills in Rawlings Field FMX!
-Take control of your online experience with two new features for Squad Leaders! Create invite-only Private Squads when going online. And kick unwanted players out of the Squad in the Squad Management menu.
-2024 Fox Raceway has been updated to more accurately reflect this year's race!
-DLC Freebies! Owners of Slayground can access Slayground FMX, and owners of the Compound Pack gain Goat Farm FMX!
-Fox Flexair Optical jerseys and pants have been added to the locker in Red, Grey, and custom colors.
-FXR Vapor MX jerseys and pants are now available in Bloodshot (customizable), Skyline, and Regal variants.
-Shoei VFX-EVO helmets have been added to the locker in black and white variants.
-Shoei VFX-EVO Rockstar Energy Husqvarna helmets are now available in the locker in black and white variants.
-Two new graphic kits for 2023/2024 Husqvarna bikes have been added to the garage: Throttle Syndicate Rampage and SKDA Class.
-Akrapovic exhausts have been added to the garage for all MX bikes.
Fixes and Improvements
-Adjusted track sorting in Location Selection menus.
-Terrain deformation no longer suddenly disappears or downgrades on mid-sized maps early in the event.
-Career progress should now be restored for players who were unable to progress due to having zero fans or absent team member interactions.
-Improved readability of trackside leaderboard towers and boards; created new logos, and changed to text and background colors for improved contrast.
-Adjusted trackside "night" lighting on 2024 Pro Motocross tracks, slightly improving performance.
-Slayground rocks and foliage now better take advantage of wind and rain weather systems and appear more correctly saturated when wet.
-Added a system to detect and fix missing color slots on vehicle parts. The Renthal Dual Half Waffle Custom grips now have 2 Slots for all players. -Other unknown instances similar to this issue should also be resolved.
-Removed color modification option from ATV Nerf Bars with no color slots to modify.
-Player position tracking and synchronization have been further improved.
-Leaderboard Towers and Screens now correctly display all active riders in the session.
-Cleaned up more ATV and MX rider animations to reduce wiggling and popping, especially on stunt animations.
Known Issues
-Frame rates exceeding 60 FPS may experience visual errors and inconsistent gameplay behaviors, especially when exceeding 120 FPS.
+ 14.06.2024 MK
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