MX vs ATV LegendsAlle BilderNach dem regulären Update von MX vs ATV Legends in der vergangenen Woche, hat Rainbow Studios bereits am Montag die Verteilung eines Hotfix-Updates quer über alle Plattformen publik gemacht. Mit der Version 3.10 werden verschiedene Probleme die in Folge des Update V3.09 aufgetreten waren adressiert.
MX vs ATV Legends - Changelog V3.10:
Fixes and Improvements
-A duplicate Post-Race Results menu no longer appears and overlaps the existing menu during Online races.
-Non-Leader members of the Squad are now able to vote on playlists if the squad started in the Squad Compound.
-Split Screen race events conclude correctly after both players finish the race.
-During Time Trials, the lap timer correctly displays the current lap time after completing the third lap.
-Resolved infrequent crash during gameplay.
-Corrected distorted terrain colors on Orlando SX
Known Issues
-Frame rates exceeding 60 FPS may experience visual errors and inconsistent gameplay behaviors, especially when exceeding 120 FPS.
-During the Post-Race Results on the first event in a playlist, the countdown timer gets set to 30 seconds after it expires. This does not happen for subsequent events.
-Colorization may not appear on certain some bike parts when loading into an event. The issue is not permanent and resolves itself when re-equipping the vehicle or restarting the event. We are investigating a fix for the next patch.
+ 20.09.2024 MK
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