MX vs ATV Legends: Dezember-Update mit 2 neuen Add-ons, Physik-Update und mehr

Zum Jahresende stellt Rainbow Studios für MX vs ATV Legends das Update auf V3.17 bereit das inhaltlich eine Menge zu bieten hat. Zwei neue Add-ons sorgen mit neuen Spielinhalten für noch mehr Vielfalt.

MX vs ATV Legends: Dezember-Update mit 2 neuen Add-ons, Physik-Update und mehrMX vs ATV Legends: Dezember-Update mit 2 neuen Add-ons, Physik-Update und mehr  ZoomZum Anfang der Woche hat Rainbow Studios das Dezember-Update für MX vs ATV Legends veröffentlicht. Gleichzeitig stehen mit dem Triumph Pack 2024 und Lawrence Dog Pound Pack Trailer zwei kostenpflichtige Erweiterungen bereit. Für 4,99 EUR gibt es zwei aktuelle Maschinen von Triumph. Nicht weniger als drei brandneue Strecken warten im Lawrence Dog Pound-Trainingsareal für 7,99 EUR. Als Bonus gibt es die überarbeitete Version der Flying Moto Ranch aus MX vs ATV All Out mit satten 9 Events und kostenloser Free Ride-Umgebung dazu.

Aber auch abseits der Add-ons hält die neue Version 3.17 für Offroad-Fans einige Anreize bereit. Neben neuen Individualisierungsoptionen, stechen diesmal größere Überarbeitungen des Physik-Systems heraus, durch die das Fahrverhalten der MX Bikes, ATVs und UTVs aufgewertet wird. Darüber hinaus zeigt das Änderungsprotokoll weitere Anpassungen und Korrekturen in verschiedenen Spielbereichen.

MX vs ATV Legends - Changelog V3.17:
Additions and Updates
-The Dog Pound Pack is unleashed today! Push your skills to the limit on the Lawrence Dog Pound test tracks. Then take a nostalgia trip to the Flying Moto Ranch compound from MX vs. ATV All Out!
-Out Now! The all-new 2025 Triumph bike pack includes the 2025 TF 250 -X and TF 450-RC Edition, unique graphic kits from SKDA, and race team kits and gear as an added bonus.

-Suspension overhaul! Suspension behaviors are more consistent and predictable than ever whether you’re skimming whoops, landing jumps, or cornering. Suspension has less "pop" when bottoming-out. And it is softer and more capable of handling obstacles.

-New styles for Bell Moto-10 helmets are waiting for you in the Locker! Check out stock and custom variants for Carbon Fiber, Evade, and Sliced!
-Or Bell Moto-10 collabs: SlayCo, Renen Raycon, Replica 22, and Replica 24!
-Even Bell Moto-10 Monster Energy Pro Circuit helmets have been updated with new Carbon Fiber, Custom, and Replica 24 variants!
-While you're there, check out the try on new uniforms: Fox Flexair Magnetic and TLD SE Ultra Reverb.
-Owners of OEM Vehicle DLC will also get bonus Race Team variant uniforms: Yamaha Alpinestars Supertech Ward, Honda Fly Racing Lite, and Kawasaki Fox Flexair Magnetic.
-New parts in the Garage! Pick up DID Original DirtStar wheels for MX Bikes and ODI Half-Waffle grips on all MX Bikes and ATVs.
-Rival Ink Stock 24 graphics are now available on 2023-2024 KTM MX Bikes in stock and custom styles!

Fixes and Improvements
-Fixed an issue which would cause the vehicles tires to sink into the ground when bottoming-out. This issue would then cause other undesirable behaviors to occur like suspension popping and poor hook-up in turns. Most driving behaviors are now more accurate and consistent, especially on MX Bikes.
-Suspension, Chassis, and Traction tuning parts have been adjusted in response to the suspension changes. We recommend testing the suspension changes on a stock tune then adjusting the tuning to your preference.
-Adjusted tire friction calculations so that the vehicle behaves more consistently when applying throttle, releasing throttle, or braking.
-Increased contributions from Turning when using only the brake and turning to initiate a brake-slide.
-Adjusted ATV power curves and vehicle weight to make ATVs feel more stable.
-Greatly improved ATV suspension dampening and rebound to reduce bouncing and improve capabilities in whoops.
-Improved UTV handling when sliding or cornering, and reduced likelihood of spinning out or doing a 180 when applying full brakes. A 180 can still be performed by applying just the rear brake.

-Fixed split lane section in 2024 Washougal and added markers to clarify split.
-Adjusted and cleaned-up 2024 Pro Motocross intro and results animations.
-Moved lights off the track in 2024 Red Bud after track updates.
-Moved lights off the Rawling's Cornfield pit bike track after lighting update.
-Lowered intensity of light cast by jumbotrons and fixed the explosive lens flare from the jumbotron in Indianapolis SX.

-AI reduce throttle when the colliding with other riders to decrease the amount of time they remain in contact “stuck” to other riders.
-Adjusted input handling for rider elevation system. When going over bumps, elevation controls should not feel like they are inverting when going airborne between every bump.
-The automatic gearbox will no longer shift during the clutch boost to maximize boost output.
-Reduced reset time for UTVs.
-UTVs no longer experience wrecks when from frame collisions except when upside-down.
-Created new Series and Playlists which encompass each season of content from the Base Game to the end of Season 3.

-When Spectating, the HUD now displays an estimated time until the end of the race.

-Updated loading screen.
-Added controls to speed-up or stop the Credits to down and up menu navigation.
-Removed unused or outdated during info from Series.
-Playlists containing un-owned DLC are now visible in the menu and display a lock icon. When selecting a playlist with missing DLC content, a menu will appear with a list of the missing DLC and links to the store.

-Fixed grips clipping the handlebars in the Garage menu.
-Improved blending between ATV rider body animations when leaning and cornering. And added more extreme left and right leaning poses for the ATV rider.
-Adjusted speed thresholds for stand/sitting riding animations.
-The rider now sits up a bit straighter and remains more upright when cornering unless leaning deliberately.
-Improved rider body position when performing a seat bounce, especially right before going airborne.
-The rider now moves more deliberately during bumps, take-offs, and landings.

-New variants of the Thor Spectrum gloves have been added to the locker: Orange, Acid, and Custom!

-A crash experienced when navigating the Garage or Locker should now be resolved.

Known Issues
-Frame rates exceeding 60 FPS may experience visual errors and inconsistent gameplay behaviors, especially when exceeding 120 FPS.
-Shift sounds can still trigger at the incorrect revs. These issues are currently being addressed. More news to come as work progresses.

Tags: MX vs ATV Legends, V3.17, hotfix, update, patch, aktualisierung, infos

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