MX vs ATV Legends: Alle Details zur V3.18, Onlinemodus aufgebohrt

Rainbow Studios hat für das Offroad-Rennspiel MX vs ATV Legends die erste Aktualisierung in 2025 bereitgestellt. Hier mehr über die V3.18 erfahren.

MX vs ATV Legends: Alle Details zur V3.18, Onlinemodus aufgebohrtMX vs ATV Legends: Alle Details zur V3.18, Onlinemodus aufgebohrt  ZoomMX vs ATV LegendsAlle BilderAm Dienstag, 28. Januar 2025 hat das hinter MX vs ATV Legends für das Offroad-Rennspiel mit dem Update V3.18 die erste Aktualisierung in 2025 bereitgestellt. Einmal mehr gibt es eine große Packung neuer Individualisierungsmöglichkeiten - darunter neue Bekleidung, Ausrüstung und Bikes - Fehlerkorrekturen und Gameplay-Verbesserungen.

Spieler dürfen nun ein Turnier mit der vollständigen Teilnehmeranzahl von 16 Fahrern veranstalten und können im Caster-Modus verschiedene Optionen nutzen, um eine Rennserie durchzuführen.

Geschraubt haben die Entwickler außerdem am Fahrverhalten der UTVs, welche sich nun beim gleichzeitigen Lenken und Beschleunigen besser handhaben lassen sollen. Ferner wurden in verschiedenen Bereichen Fehler behoben und Verbesserungen vorgenommen. Im Detail gibt das Änderungsprotokoll Auskunft über die einzelnen Anpassungen.

MX vs ATV Legends - Changelog V3.18:
Additions and Updates

-Race two new events on the Lawrence Dog Pound! Race around the compound on the Dog Run Waypoint and tear it up on the Pit Bike Track!

-Want to run a tournament with a full gate of 16 riders? Well now you can! Players in Caster Mode can now create their own squads and operate them as a leader. Manage a race series, commentate and record gameplay sessions with friends, and so much more. Enable Caster Mode in Gameplay Settings.

-Updated UTV physics to improve handling and overall stability. UTVs are now much easier to control when steering under acceleration.

-Head to the locker to check out new limited edition gear from Alpinestars and Dirt Studios! Supertech SX Dirt Studios LE comes in Honda, Kawasaki, and Yamaha race team styles. Pair them with a matching set of Tech-10 Dirt Studios LE boots.
-Airoh Aviator 3 Monster Energy helmets
-Fox 180 Lean uniforms in seven stocks colors and Fox V1 Lean helmets in colors to match.
-Fox 180 Honda and 180 Kawasaki. Owners of OEM Vehicle DLC get access to 180 Honda and 180 Husqvarna race ream variants.
-Thor LaunchMode Storm uniforms are now available in stock and custom styles. Pair them with SportMode Iconic in gloves, also in stock and custom colors.
-SKDA Military graphics are now available for Triumph bikes.
-Also available from SKDA: Diamond Gripper seats for all MX Bikes, and Diamond Stitch bar covers for Bikes and ATVs!
-Backyard Designs graphic kits Casual and Stable are now available on all Element bikes!
-Highly requested: Acerbis X-Ultimate, X-Future, and Linear handguards are now available on all Bikes and ATVs. More to come!

Fixes and Improvements

-Improved UTV collision interactions with other vehicles and with environmental objects like rocks and foliage. Future improvements are underway.
-All vehicles' tires should no longer be able to get stuck in/under the ground for an extended period, nor should they fall through the terrain. The systems responsible for tire-ground collision and for recovering vehicle tires penetrating the ground have been improved.

-Fixed missing snow patches in Kodiak Valley, and improved snow coverage/appearance across all environments.
-Updated Joker Lane tower animations for enhanced clarity and readability.
-Improved terrain deformation quality on all Dog Pound tracks.
-Cleaned-up track boundaries on all Dog Pound tracks.
-Fixed a bug causing in-race leaderboard towers to display the wrong brands/colors when Triumph bikes were present in the event.
-Improved collisions on several large structures throughout Nationals environments.

-Improved UTV AI steering, handling, and traction. UTV AI no longer get stuck continuously over-correcting during a slide and are more capable in tight turns.
-Restored access to the Pit Bike Invitational series.

-Updated Waypoint and Pit Bike playlists with new Dog Pound tracks.
-Added Dog Pound and Flying Moto Ranch freeride playlists.
-When spectating online races, the Joker Lane tower now changes after the first player completes the first lap.
-Players in Caster Mode can now be promoted to Squad Leader when other players leave the squad.

-Added more animations/poses to the Main Menu rider.
-Added more idle/warm-up animations to the MX Bike rider and cleaned up others.

-Fox Instinct boots now come in four more colors, including Maui Blue and Flo Yellow.
-Fox Motion boots are now available in six new colors, including Flo Orange and Dark Shadow.
-Fixed missing color customization on Sprockets.

-The rider is no longer floating quite so high at the start of the initial tutorial.

Known Issues
-Frame rates exceeding 60 FPS may experience visual errors and inconsistent gameplay behaviors, especially when exceeding 120 FPS.
-Shift sounds can still trigger at the incorrect revs. These issues are currently being addressed. More news to come as work progresses.

Tags: MX vs ATV Legends, V3.18, update, patch, aktualisierung, infos

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