Le Mans Ultimate: Entwickler stellt Update #1, Patch#1, Hotfix #4 bereit

Studio 397 hat für Le Mans Ultimate ein weiteres kleines Update freigegeben. Mit dem Update #1, Patch#1, Hotfix #4 werden laut dem Änderungsprotokoll verschiedene Probleme mit den Streckenlimits, im Onlinebereich, den Replays und der Programmstabilität behoben.

Le Mans Ultimate - Update #1, Patch#1, Hotfix #4 - 20th August 2024:
-Fixed an issue with track limits which would consider the car narrower than it really is.
-Fixed an error message when joining online sessions.
-Fixed custom resolutions not automatically selecting in settings page and multi view not being togglable when changing to valid resolutions.
-Fixed an issue where displaying available replays would display "Error Loading Replays"
-Fixed an issue where the replay list would load slowly when there are a lot of replays.
-Fixed an issue which would occasionally cause stalls at 48% loading.

Tags: Le Mans Ultimate, simracing, update 1 patch 1, hotfix 4, infos

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