F1 Manager 24: Bisher umfangreichstes Update V1.6 bereit

Für Formel-1-Fans die ihre Freizeit mit dem F1 Manager 2024 verbringen, steht mit Version 1.6 jetzt ein großes Updatepaket bereit.

F1 Manager 24: Bisher umfangreichstes Update V1.6 bereitF1 Manager 24: Bisher umfangreichstes Update V1.6 bereit  ZoomF1 Manager 2024Alle BilderÄhnlich wie von Woche zu Woche in der Formel 1 ein neuer Grand Prix stattfindet, liefert derzeit auch Frontier Development für den F1 Manager 2024 kontinuierlich Updates mit denen Fehler behoben und das Spielerlebnis verbessert wird.

Dicht gefolgt auf den Mitte August veröffentlichten Patch, ist nun für die PC-Version das Update V1.6 verfügbar. Die Konsolenversionen erhalten das Update auf Grund einer Verzögerung in der kommenden Woche. Einen Monat nach dem Release, hat die Managementsimulation somit bereits vier Updates erhalten.

Ein Blick in das aktuelle Änderungsprotokoll und der Vergleich mit den bisherigen Aktualisierungen zeigt, dass es sich bei V1.6 um das bislang umfangreichste Update für das Spiel handelt welches nahezu keinen Bereich auslässt. Das kommt insgesamt dem Gameplay zugute.

Wie die nachstehende Übersicht belegt, gibt es viele Fehlerbehebungen und Verbesserungen. Dazu gesellen sich Stabilitätsverbesserungen die die Anfälligkeit für Abstürze des Spiels reduzieren. Als Neuerung besteht an einem Rennwochenende nun Option die Fahrerpanels während eines Rennens zu minimieren und das Benutzerinterface während eines pausierten Rennens auszublenden.

F1 Manager 2024 - V1.6-Changelog, 29.08.2024:
-Rebalanced impact and duration of events on Mentality
-Fixed overall Mentality rating not always refreshing immediately after changes
-Fixed Mentality causes being displayed inconsistently between profile and Mentality Hub
-Fixed issue where 'Mentoring' showed as a Mentality factor when no affiliates were present

-Added new affiliate drivers to starting database (this will require starting a new save file)
--Hamda al Qubaisi
--Amna al Qubaisi
--Emely de Heus
--Tuukka Taponen
-Corrected spelling of Franco Colapinto

-Adjusted AI teams' starting expertise (this will require starting a new save file)
-Adjusted AI teams' car starting ratings (this will require starting a new save file)
-Improved balance of AI car development
-Improved mechanical fault balance for powertrain parts in good condition
-Fixed inaccurate ERS durability rating on Car Analysis screen
-Fixed inconsistent display of powertrain percentages
-Fixed development options being disabled when following email link

-Fixed Scouts or Engineers remaining unavailable to use after sponsorship engagement activity has expired
-Fixed issue where affiliate signed in first season could not drive in FP1 in future season
-Fixed issue where contract could not be renegotiated from staff profile screen after acknowledging contract email
-Fixed contract length being displayed as one year longer than it should in emails
-Fixed previous offer 'Bonus Threshold' being displayed incorrectly in counter offer
-Fixed free agent contract showing 'empty' season contract state
-Fixed hired driver for future seasons scouting information being listed as 'Expired'
-Improved AI poaching logic
-Improved AI affiliate hiring logic

-Fixed newly created teams spending more money on initial startup than real teams (this will require starting a new save file)
-Fixed engagement target payouts not being received in second season
-Fixed some sponsor activities providing no engagement gains during first sponsor period of second season
-Improved AI financial decision making
-Fixed AI teams offering extreme salaries and starting bonuses
-Improved accuracy of car development finances area in cost cap
-Restyled icons on sponsor plan screen
-Improved balance of sponsors' preferred activities
-Fixed sponsor logos disappearing from UI when saving/loading on day of negotiation
-Improved balance of factors contributing to Team Marketability
-Fixed 'Balanced' sponsor package having Race Day icon and colouring during negotiation

-Fixed Create A Team decal options list missing icons in Livery Editor
-Fixed team branding showroom lighting level darkening when re-entering
-Improved ease of sponsor decal placement on driver gloves
-Fixed delay to sponsor logos appearing on negotiations screens in Create A Team mode
-Fixed created team garage appearing with Ferrari branding at Yas Marina

-Reduced lap time delta between slowest and fastest cars in managed races
-Fixed powertrain penalties being applied in Sprint Session when new powertrain is bought and fitted before Sprint Qualifying
-Fixed tyre compound allocations at Albert Park and Hermanos Rodriguez
-Improved balance of incidents at Jeddah
-Improved balance of starting engine temperatures
-Fixed car retirement replays showing no or incorrect car when selected
-Adjusted DRS zone placements
-Fixed empty grandstands at Jeddah
-Added night-time icons in weekend overview menu
-Fixed every pit stop on post-race report screen being highlighted as positive
-Fixed Sprint Qualifying results being empty when loading save made on Sprint preparation screen
-Fixed Driver Preparation goal progress and value in bar not matching
-(NEW) Added ability to minimise driver panels during a race
-(NEW) Added ability to hide UI entirely when paused within a race

-Fixed John Howard calling everyone 'Pierre'
-Fixed incorrect reference to Oscar Piastri finishing 19th
-Improved frequency balance of "(driver) has DRS" teams comms
-Fixed incorrect voice lines when loading into Australian GP
-Fixed onboard engine sounds breaking when saving game whilst in helicam

-Adjusted difficulty ratings for Race Replays
-Fixed driver podium positions displaying as "undefined"
-Fixed Monaco Race Moment race duration
-Fixed Race Replay loading incorrect constructor
-Fixed drivers inheriting race suits from career save in Race Replay mode

-Fixed issue where cars could freeze on track
-Fixed crash that could occur during processing
-Fixed crash that could occur when advancing into second season
-Fixed crash that could occur during a red flag
-Fixed crash that could occur when selecting to watch a crash replay involving multiple cars and an affiliate driver
-Fixed crash that could occur when backing out of sponsorship screen into finances screen
-Fixed softlock that could occur when interacting with Steam Overlay during race cinematics

-Improved overall game processing speed

-Added Traditional Chinese translated text

Tags: F1 Manager 2024, patch, update V1.6, changelog, infos

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