Expeditions: A Mudrunner Game - Update 1 fuer die Public Beta zur Saison 2 und neue Infos

Die Expeditions: A Mudrunner Game-Entwickler präsentieren das erste Update zur Public Beta von Saison 2 und teilen Neuigkeiten zur neuen Spielumgebung

Expeditions: A Mudrunner Game - Update 1 fuer die Public Beta zur Saison 2 und neue InfosExpeditions: A Mudrunner Game - Update 1 fuer die Public Beta zur Saison 2 und neue Infos  ZoomNachdem die Public Beta zur Saison 2 von Expeditions: A Mudrunner Game kürzlich gestartet wurde, hat Saber Interactive diese Woche das erste Update dazu veröffentlicht und nimmt damit eine ganze Reihe an Überarbeitungen und Korrekturen vor.

In Saison 2 erwartet die Spieler auch eine neue Region "Snowy Mountains". Diese basiert auf den Beskiden, einer Reihe von Gebirgszügen in den Karpaten, in Osteuropa.

"Zum ersten Mal in Expeditions werdet ihr im Schnee fahren, um in diesen Bergen zu forschen. Schnee ist etwas ganz anderes als der Schlamm und die Felsen, die ihr bisher in Arizona und in den Karpaten kennengelernt habt. Zu den Aufgaben in diesem neuen Gebiet gehören die Analyse der Tierwelt, der Schutz des Gebiets vor Wilderern und die Durchführung von Expeditionen in den Beskiden-Höhlen. Einer der wichtigsten Punkte auf der Karte ist ein Observatorium, das das Tal überblickt", lassen die Entwickler wissen.

Expeditions: A MudRunner Game - Season 2 Update 1 - Public Beta - 18.12.2024-Changelog:
The most critical:
-Major changes to the Generator module that includes UI and game mechanics fixes
-Fixed a number of crashes
-Fixed duplication of heavy inventory in player's second truck when using two trucks for a deploy
-Re-balanced the radius of the Radar add-on when used in caves to allow for wider map scouting

Replayability system fixes:
-Added the warning text that when passing in co-op session, the bonus rewards are only counted if they are completed by the host
-The ‘Expedition Completion’ bonus reward could be given whether or not the player has already received it

UGV CR-G0 fixes:
-After re-calling, the cargo drone will retain its pre-evacuation state instead of creating the new entity each time
-Adding paid inventory to a cargo drone uses credits like other vehicles
-Removed the signal zone for a cargo drone that was duplicated on all maps in the region
-The amount of portable batteries are displayed in the HUD panel correctly
-Cargo battery charge is displayed with hundredths accuracy
-‘Inside’ and ‘Outside’ statuses for a Cargo drone in the radial menu works correctly

-Added significant number of fixes for localisation
-Redesigned the display of a taken truck’s card in the HQ
-Fixed the inability to buy a truck after selling all trucks when using a gamepad
-Improved the layout of the ‘Truck selection’ screen in the HQ

Additional changes:
-Added new sound effects: for converting fuel to electricity, for gates on the new map, for the ‘Signal amplifier’ item, for UGV CR-G0 transportation modules
-Music was added to the main menu
-Added saving of open gate state after re-entering a map
-Removed artificial blue spots from the snow on a car track
-Fixed snow cover on Loadstar 1700 add-ons
-Added tree textures to the maps of the Carpathian region

Known issues:
-Unable to trade the ‘Battery’ and ‘Electricity’ resourced between trucks and drones
-In the Trade, the 'Battery' resource doesn't display as a consumable
-The inventory of two trucks is duplicated between each other after deploy on a map
-The ‘Generator’ module doesn’t display in the corresponding section on the map
-Some tips for using the 'Generator' module work incorrectly
-Some bonus rewards, if previously completed, will always count as completed when replayed, even if the conditions are not met
-Some gems cannot be extracted by a UGV CR-G0

Tags: Expeditions: A MudRunner Game, season 2 update 1, Beta, infos

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Expeditions: A MudRunner Game

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