Expeditions: A MudRunner Game Alle BilderEntwickler Saber Interactive hat zu Beginn der ersten Juni-Woche ein neues Update für das Offroad- und Erkundungs-Spiel Expeditions: A MudRunner Game bereitgestellt. Wie sich dem Änderungsprotokoll entnehmen lässt, liegt der Fokus von Update 5 ganz darauf verschiedene Fehler zu beheben, darunter auch eine Endlosschleife beim Ladevorgang.
Expeditions: A MudRunner Game - Update 5, 04.06.2024-Changelog:
-The use of the Jack-screw has been made easier: now the truck doesn't go under the ground in the position selection stage, the player doesn't have to lift it
-Fixed infinite loading after start of contract tracking and exit to HQ
-In the Dangerous Tourism contract, the construction zones were reset to avoid clipping the models
-Fixed placeable anchors not having winch points in certain situations
Mod support:
-Mod truck textures now displays properly on Xbox One (no black debug textures)
-Fixed the animation of the steering wheel turning on the AFIM Hornet 622T: now all wheel’s details rotate correctly
-Fixed the hub on the SIRO 72 T8-H: it was turning more than the wheel
-Fixed the bug related to cargo display in sideboards: previously an empty sideboard showed 3-slots loading
-Fixed the clipping tree on the Kanab Creek map
+ 08.06.2024 MK
News zum Thema
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