Der vierunddreißigste Patch für den Euro Truck Simulator 2 ermöglicht allen Trucksimfans die bereits die Version V1.26.2.4 installiert haben ihre lokale Installation direkt auf die neue Version zu aktualisieren. Das Update umfasst die nachfolgend aufgeführten Änderungen.
PC-Patch V1.27.1.6-Changelog:
-Country Specific Police Cars AI
-Trailer Liftable Axles
-Differential Lock
-Adaptive transmission modes (power, normal, eco)
-Improved engine simulation model (friction, braking, consumption)
-Volvo with Allison gearbox can shift up over 4 gears.
-Air pressure simulation improved (pressure buildup, cut-off sound, application pressure).
-Coin sound tweaked.
-FOV range increased to 40-120 degrees in adjuster.
-Engine brakes set to 3 positions (as most current trucks have). -One-key-hold control will use full strength still.
-If engine brake toggle input is not assigned, increase/decrease engine brake inputs work similar to retarder (in range from 0 to maximum).
-Multiple fueling points on gas stations.
-g_force_economy_reset flag is disabled after economy reset.
-Transmission input shaft simulation (double clutch).
-Single "overrides" (forced default) rule can be used instead of defaults-suitable rule pair across linked accessories.
-All pressure units set consistently to bars (data, animation, dashboard UI).
-Nominal air_tank_pressure value added to chassis data.
-Changed interior animations: all air, oil and brake pressure (gauges, indicators).
-New interior animation: trailer axle lift (indicator), differential lock (button, indicator).
-New engine data: resistance_torque (measured at 2000rpm).
-Coin sound made moddable in the same way as other sounds (through ogg file).