Achtundzwanzigster Patch für den Euro Truck Simulator 2 mit dem alle Spieler die die Version V1.20.1 installiert haben ihre lokale Installation direkt auf die neue Version 1.21.1 aktualisieren können. Das Update umfasst alle nachfolgend aufgeführten Änderungen.
PC-Patch V1.21.1-Changelog:
-Improved reflections in the cabin interior
-Fixed spider paintjob from Halloween DLC missing for some variants of DAF Euro 6 cabin
-Adjusted external interior for Actros 2009
-Added automatically generated Range-Splitter layout for H-Shifter
-Improved compatibility with G29 force-feedback
-Improved sounds of tires and suspension
-Improved sounds for manipulating blinker and brake sticks
-Reduced volume of interior stick noises
-Workaround for missing geometry on low-end Intel GPUs on OSX
-Fixed possible use of incorrect files after switching between profiles with different set of mods
-Corrected vegetation sometimes appearing at wrong places in the map
-The hud mirror switching key (F2) now enumerates all combinations: both off, only far on, both on, only near on
-Improved road collisions